"Bekaboo" is a thrilling web series that delves into the dark and seductive world of erotica, obsession, and revenge. The story revolves around the enigmatic character of Kiyan Roy, a bestselling erotica writer who is haunted by his troubled past and tormented by his own desires.
Kiyan's life takes a tumultuous turn when he meets the beautiful and mysterious Anaysha, who becomes the muse for his next novel. As their passionate affair unfolds, Kiyan finds himself entangled in a web of deceit, manipulation, and betrayal.As secrets are unearthed and hidden agendas come to light, Kiyan realizes that Anaysha is not who she appears to be. With his life spiraling out of control, Kiyan must confront his inner demons and unravel the truth before it's too late.
Filled with twists, turns, and steamy encounters, "Bekaboo" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they navigate through the murky depths of desire and deception. With its gripping storyline, intense performances, and bold themes, the series offers a thrilling and unforgettable viewing experience.