Navigating the complexities of modern relationships, "It's Not That Simple" follows the life of Meera, a successful urban woman with the seemingly perfect life-a loving husband, supportive family, and a thriving career. However, beneath the facade, Meera grapples with the challenges posed by societal expectations and the intricate dynamics of contemporary relationships.
When Meera's husband, Jayesh, exhibits signs of infidelity, her world crumbles, compelling her to confront uncomfortable truths about her marriage and her own desires. Amidst the turmoil of betrayal, Meera finds herself drawn to other men, including her charismatic ex-boyfriend Akshay and the mysterious Aakash, who challenges her preconceptions of love and fidelity. Struggling between societal norms and personal desires, Meera embarks on a journey of self-discovery, questioning traditional definitions of happiness and fulfillment. Along this path, she must face the consequences of her choices and navigate the intricate web of relationships in today's fast-paced world.
"It's Not That Simple" weaves a captivating narrative with nuanced characters, exploring profound themes around love, marriage, and the pursuit of happiness in contemporary India. Through Meera's transformative journey, the series delves into the intricacies of human emotions, the fragility of trust, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.