An unscripted TV Show is any TV content that is made without a script, for example, a reality or game show, a documentary, or a talk show. The legal considerations for making an unscripted TV Show are different than for a scripted TV Show. This checklist sets out the main steps and related legal considerations in making a (mostly) unscripted TV Show for a broadcast or streaming service for viewers in the UK. The steps include all stages from development to post-production, with a particular focus on content issues.The term “Programme” is used to refer to a one-off Show or series of Shows. The checklist is intended as a starting point rather than a comprehensive guide. It assumes that a broadcaster or streaming service is already involved and therefore ignores finance issues. If that is not the case, it may be useful to refer to the section on finance in Checklist, Making a scripted film or TV Show.
You may need to acquire format rights, for example, for a game show or reality TV Show in Non-Scripted Content Production. See Standard document, TV format option and licence agreement. Tailor the agreement according to whether the Show is talent-originated or production company-originated. If the Show is a teleshopping Show, specific rules apply. For more on these, see Practice note, Broadcast and on-demand TV: advertising: Teleshopping. If you are making an original Show that could involve creating a new format, you should:
To ensure you can exploit the format, require employees and consultants involved in the development to sign appropriate agreements regarding intellectual property ownership.
Non-disclosure agreements may be desirable in the early stages of development, although they may be difficult to obtain. Elements of the Show may be scripted, for example, jokes delivered by the host of a panel show. Appoint a writer or establish a writers’ room in which a number of writers work in a team. Ensure that all employees and consultants involved in the development sign appropriate agreements regarding intellectual property ownership.
If the project is not initiated by a production company, you must appoint a producer. If the project is co-produced, a co-production agreement is needed. Negotiate in the agreement with the broadcaster or streaming service:
Prepare the budget and specification considering the following:
Take out insurance for a wide range of risks, including for (among other things):
Engage the production team (these may be companies or individuals), which is usually made up of the following:
Enter into agreements with the crew if they are not employees of the production company or a company appointed by the production team. For example, camera operators, sound engineers, runners and so on.
Create a shooting schedule for the Show to ensure that the production costs remain within the stated budget. Producers are responsible for delivering the Show on time and on budget.
Enter into agreements with talent and other participants, which may include the following depending on the Show type:
Enter into location agreements if appropriate. You are likely to require permissions to film in certain locations or using special effects.
The Broadcasting Code contains rules for:
The Show must comply with the laws on:
The Show must also comply with the relevant broadcaster’s compliance policies.
Clear rights to any existing music to be used. See Standard documents, Master recording synchronisation licence agreement for film soundtrack and Music publishing synchronisation licence agreement for film soundtrack. It may be possible to clear some music, specifically production or library music, via collecting societies.
Agree on product releases for any product, artwork or photograph used in the Show. See Standard document, Product release. Enter into product placement agreements if a brand wants to pay for its product to be used in the Show. There are restrictions on product placement in broadcast and on-demand TV, including in news and children’s Shows.
Consider whether any clearances for the filmed content are required under data protection or privacy law. For example:
If the Show uses weapons, explosives or fire, or you are filming in water or using stunt work, comply with Health and Safety Executive guidance.
Enter into sponsorship agreements if a brand will sponsor the Show. This usually involves the sponsor associating itself with each Show in “bumpers” (advertisements) around the opening and the credits, and any advertising breaks. News and current affairs Shows cannot be sponsored.
If the Show contains phone-ins (for example, for viewer voting or competition entry) which require use of premium-rate services (PRS), the broadcaster or other media content provider must register with the Phonepaid Services Authority (PSA), the premium-rate phone regulator, as they are “level 2” providers under the PSA Code of Practice.
Consider whether there will be any spin-off, merchandising or commercial tie-in opportunities. This could, for example, include character merchandising or exploitation of the rights in the show’s theme music.
Establish an on-set safety protocol. Comply with the Working Time Regulations.
You must also comply with:
Once shooting is complete: